C. Saks Behavior Therapy Services

Service Satisfaction Survey

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Please take a few minutes to fill out our service satisfaction survey. There are 8 questions, generally taking less than five minutes to answer. Your input will help us continue to improve.

 1)Is the BSC available and responsive to requests for consultation, training and site visits in a timely manner?
2) Does the BSC collaborate adequately with the interdisciplinary team and model positive communication, advocacy and respect for multiple viewpoints? 

3) Does the positive behavior support plan include input from critical team members?  

4) Does the BSC use the team process and consensus building to make decisions that impact the individual’s quality of life, human rights, dignity of risk (as opposed to going outside the team process)? 

5) Does the BSC develop person-centered and relevant behavior support strategies?

6) Do you feel services have had a positive effect on caregivers’ management of challenging behaviors as well as sensitivity and understanding of client needs?  

7) Overall, does the BSC conduct him/herself in a professional manner?   

8) Overall, are you satisfied with the BSC services? 

Optional : I am


Serving Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in Northern New Mexico
P.O. Box 5787 Santa Fe, NM 87502

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